Picabo.cz, a.s.

New WebAdmin 2010

We have issued a new 2010 version of the WebAdmin editorial system. More information

The webStorage System

We have issued the webStorage system for publishing photos and business materials. More information

Mitsubishi Motors

Mitsubishi MotorsWe have started to cooperate with Mitsubishi Motors. More information

Pizzeria Kmotra

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Lázně Letiny

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QBE Bonusový program

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WebTop100 2008

Picabo Company reached the 7th position in the stiff competition of the Auto-moto branch chart with the project of www.fiat.cz.

Zlatý středník 2004 (Golden Semicolon 2004)

The third place in the category Best company multimedia presentation for the Fiat Gamma CD

Zlatý středník 2004 (Golden Semicolon 2004)

Professional level certificate for the multimedia CD Fiat Panda 4x4 More information
Delegating information technology administration rid us of worries about a wide range of activities. Picabo Company takes care not only about the faultless operation of our network but also about all the related hardware and software. For example, when a new employee joins our company, there is a computer connected into the network and equipped with legal software and active e-mail account prepared almost immediately. We grew accustomed to consider this something natural, just like the immediate help in case of any problems. Probably any company can administer a finished system but a professional deployment during the expansion and innovation assuring that we see only the improved functions and not operation outages – that requires experience and foresight.

Ing. Jaroslav Formánek
ECOM spol.s.r.o. More information

General information

WebAdminPicabo WebAdmin is an integrated product of an administration system for web presentation user management, or the so-called Content Management System, or if you want a web editorial system. The biggest advantage of this system is the possibility to make changes in the web presentation directly from the part of the customer, i.e. the customer’s independence from the supplier of the web pages and its user-simplicity. This provides our customers with a high level of web presentation flexibility and saves future variable costs of the web contents management. Besides this it features additional very useful functions, such as keeping detailed statistics on the number of visitors to your web – you can watch this information online – and other useful functions. Picabo WebAdmin is a widely modular system and it will satisfy technical requirements for managing both small web presentations and large company portals.

Product Specification